Mechanical Hazard

Assembly line factory work


Mechanical hazards are posed by machinery tools that are used by workers. Hazards are high in 3 locations including the point of operation – where and what the tool is used on, the point of transmission – where the tool comes to contact to work, and area of moving parts – the action between point of operation and point of transmission. Long term exposures to these can directly and indirectly cause any physical injuries to workers



Mechanical hazards include the usage of mechanical power tools. Assembly line workers come in contact with these hazards every day on the job. Hazards from tools can include a rotating apparatus, sharp edges, use of any heated tools and vibration – overtime, long term exposure can be problematic. Employers must ensure that workers are trained for the operation of powerful machines. Without proper training of the tools, workers are at risk for injuring themselves for something that can be prevented. 


Over the years, automated machines have removed the need for human workers to manually build the shell of the vehicle, which largely eliminates the exposure to many dangerous and more powerful mechanical tools. However, it is still important for the manufacturers to ensure safety training and regular inspections to reinforce the proper use of machinery tools. Workers should also comply to the regulations and policies, regarding machinery and power tool usage. Machines and tools should be regularly checked and inspected for maintenance to avoid future accidents.

 For more information, please see links below from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

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