Alienation: To be withdrawn in feeling or affection; isolated.

Corporate Culture: The combined beliefs, values, ethics, procedures, and atmosphere of an organization and consists of largely unspoken values, norms, and behaviours that become the natural way of doing things.

Division of Labour: The assembly line introduced the concept of division of labour into workplaces, where each person assembles or produce just one part of the whole product and then these different parts are put together until the whole item is produced.

Hazards: any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work

Heat Stress: the overall heat burden on the body from the combination of the body heat generated while working, environmental sources (air temperature, humidity, air movement, radiation from the sun or hot surfaces/sources) and clothing requirements.

Noise: Unwanted sounds

Repetitive Motion Injuries: injuries caused by the repetition of the same motion for a long period of time

Strain: pain caused by lack of movement

Workplace Stress: the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker

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