The Automotive Industry 
Iron, Steel, Power!

Occupational Health & Safety 3030A
Group DD1 Members: Jessica Huynh, Cecilia Lee, Danae Perry, Joyce Tse


The invention of the assembly line was a great industrial revolution. It allowed for the faster production of goods and created numerous opportunities of employment for many people. The assembly line that has greatly changed our lives and our means of transportation for over a century is the automotive assembly line!

Our purpose is to raise awareness, educate and inform those that are in the automotive industry and those that are simply just interested about the frequent injuries experienced from automotive assembly line work. May workers, employers and civilians be more informed about common hazards and risks present in the workplace, individual worker’s rights, safety procedures associated in this field as well as the acts and regulations that are often overlooked or unknown specific to the industrial establishment legislation in regards to assembly line work.

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